Intellectual Property & Trademark service in Bahamas

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Intellectual Property & Trademark service Services in Bahamas | From US$ 499

The Bahamas Intellectual Property & Trademark service fees


US$ 499

  • Carry out a search before applying to the register trademark
  • Help you to complete the application form.
  • Certificate of Registration will be issued at the end of the progress.
  • The approximate process duration for straightforward cases is about 18 months.
  • A trademark registration in The Bahamas is valid for 14 years, and it can be renewable

In The Bahamas, the legal basis of trademark is shown in Chapter 322, Statute law of the The Bahamas.

A trademark is a sign which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings and which is also capable of being represented graphically. They may consist of words, designs, letters, numerals or the shapes of goods. A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods/services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment.

How to register trademark in The Bahamas

  1. Carry out a search before applying to the register trademark to find out whether your trademark is already being used or has been registered as a company or domain name by someone else.
  2. The goods/services shall be clearly and correctly listed under the Nice Classification for the International Registration of Goods and Services.
  3. Complete the application form and other form which can be obtained at the Intellectual Properties Section of the Registrar General’s Department. Clearly identify any figurative element and the correct title of the mark.
  4. After registration, the trademark is published in the official gazette. The opposition period is 2 months from publication of the trademark application.
  5. Once the registration is complete the Office will issue a Certificate of Registration.

Renew of The Bahamas trademark registration

A trademark registration in The Bahamas is valid for 14 years, and it can be renewable for periods of 14 years.

Fee schedules.

Government fee US$ 200 is for only one class.

Class surcharge for one additional: US$ 50.

Multistream International support to registration: US$ 499.

Application Approximate process duration for straightforward cases: 18 months.

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