Your Labuan company details:
We need the information about your company Director, Shareholder, along with the share ratio.
- Choose the recommended services for your Labuan company:
- Bank account: You can achieve bank account in many banks in the world with a Labuan entity. You can choose most of the bank options on the list (except UAE, Switzerland, Hong Kong).
- Nominee services: Using the Nominee services so the information of Nominee will be shown on Company Registration’s website.
- Serviced office: Choose your favorite jurisdiction for Service address. You can have many Services address all over the world.
- Intellectual Property & Trademark service: You can register Intellectual Property in all of the jurisdictions with the Labuan entity.
- Merchant account: this service will be fulfilled after the corporate bank account is activated.
- Bookkeeping: The service may or may not be used in the future upon your request.
- Processing time: You can choose 2 types of time periods depending on the urgency of your request. Within working hours following the Labuan, we can help you to make it done quickest within 5 working days after you provide all required documents and information.